Why is Your iframe Not Showing in WordPress ACF? (Solved!)
Image by Din - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is Your iframe Not Showing in WordPress ACF? (Solved!)

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Are you frustrated because your iframe is not displaying in WordPress Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many WordPress users have struggled with this issue, but today, we’re going to solve it once and for all.

What is an iframe, and why do we need it in WordPress ACF?

An iframe (short for inline frame) is an HTML element that allows you to embed another HTML document or media content, such as a video or a map, inside an existing HTML document. In the context of WordPress ACF, iframes are commonly used to embed external content, like YouTube videos, Google Maps, or social media feeds, into custom fields.

Why is my iframe not showing in WordPress ACF?

There are several reasons why your iframe might not be displaying in WordPress ACF. Let’s explore some of the most common causes:

  • Invalid iframe code: The iframe code might be malformed, or the URL might be incorrect.
  • Content Security Policy (CSP): WordPress ACF has a built-in CSP that restricts the types of content that can be embedded. If your iframe doesn’t meet the CSP requirements, it won’t be displayed.
  • ACF field settings: The iframe might not be configured correctly in the ACF field settings, or the field type might not be set to “textarea” or “WYSIWYG”.
  • Theme or plugin conflicts: Other themes or plugins might be interfering with the iframe’s rendering.
  • WordPress version or ACF version issues: Incompatible versions of WordPress or ACF might be causing the issue.

Solution 1: Check and fix the iframe code

Let’s start by ensuring that your iframe code is correct. Here’s an example of a basic iframe code:

<iframe src="https://www.example.com" width="100%" height="500" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Make sure to replace “https://www.example.com” with the actual URL you want to embed. Also, adjust the width, height, and frameborder attributes as needed.

Tip: Use the iframe generator tool

If you’re not comfortable with writing iframe code from scratch, you can use an online iframe generator tool. These tools allow you to input the URL and customize the iframe settings, then generate the code for you.

Solution 2: Configure ACF field settings correctly

Next, let’s ensure that the ACF field settings are configured correctly:

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard and go to the ACF field group where you created the iframe field.
  2. Click on the “Field Settings” tab.
  3. Make sure the “Field Type” is set to “Textarea” or “WYSIWYG”.
  4. Under “Appearance”, set the “Format” to “HTML”.
  5. Save the changes.

Solution 3: Add allowed iframe sources in Content Security Policy (CSP)

To add allowed iframe sources in CSP, follow these steps:

  1. In your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Advanced Custom Fields” > “Settings” page.
  2. Click on the “Security” tab.
  3. In the “Content Security Policy (CSP)” section, click on the “Edit” button next to “Frame Ancestors”.
  4. Add the URL of the iframe source to the “Allowed Sources” list. For example, if you want to embed a YouTube video, add “https://www.youtube.com”.
  5. Save the changes.

Solution 4: Check for theme or plugin conflicts

If you’ve tried the above solutions and the iframe still doesn’t display, it’s time to investigate theme or plugin conflicts:

  1. Deactivate all plugins except ACF and the theme you’re using.
  2. Check if the iframe is displayed correctly.
  3. If it is, then one of the deactivated plugins was causing the issue. Reactivate them one by one to identify the problematic plugin.
  4. If the iframe still doesn’t display, try switching to a different theme to see if the issue persists.

Solution 5: Update WordPress and ACF versions

If you’re running an outdated version of WordPress or ACF, it might be causing the issue:

  1. Check if you’re running the latest version of WordPress and ACF.
  2. Update to the latest version, if necessary.
  3. Check if the iframe is displayed correctly after updating.
Solution Description
1. Check and fix the iframe code Ensure the iframe code is correct and well-formed.
2. Configure ACF field settings correctly Set the field type to “textarea” or “WYSIWYG” and format to “HTML”.
3. Add allowed iframe sources in Content Security Policy (CSP) Add the iframe source URL to the allowed sources list in ACF settings.
4. Check for theme or plugin conflicts Deactivate plugins and switch themes to identify conflicts.
5. Update WordPress and ACF versions Ensure you’re running the latest versions of WordPress and ACF.


By following these solutions, you should be able to resolve the issue of your iframe not showing in WordPress ACF. Remember to check and fix the iframe code, configure ACF field settings correctly, add allowed iframe sources in CSP, check for theme or plugin conflicts, and update WordPress and ACF versions if necessary. If you’re still having trouble, feel free to ask for further assistance in the comments below!

Happy coding, and don’t let those pesky iframes get in the way of your WordPress ACF awesomeness!

Frequently Asked Questions

Having trouble with iframe not showing WordPress ACF? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Why is my iframe not showing in WordPress ACF?

This is a common issue caused by WordPress’s default security settings. WordPress has a built-in feature that removes iframes from content for security reasons. To resolve this, you can try adding the iframe code using a plugin like iFrame Embed or Embed iframe, or by using a custom function to allow iframes in your theme’s functions.php file.

Is there a setting in ACF that I can toggle to make the iframe visible?

Unfortunately, there is no specific setting in ACF to toggle iframe visibility. However, you can try using the ” RAW” display type for the ACF field instead of the default “Standard” display type. This might help render the iframe correctly.

Can I use a shortcode to embed the iframe in ACF?

Yes, you can use a shortcode to embed the iframe in ACF. Create a new shortcode in your theme’s functions.php file and use it to wrap the iframe code. Then, add the shortcode to your ACF field and it should render the iframe correctly.

Will using a third-party plugin affect my website’s performance?

It depends on the plugin you choose to use. Some plugins might add additional load times or conflicts with other plugins, while others might be lightweight and efficient. Be sure to choose a reputable plugin with good reviews and ratings, and test it on a staging site before deploying it on your live site.

Can I use JavaScript to load the iframe dynamically in ACF?

Yes, you can use JavaScript to load the iframe dynamically in ACF. This approach can be more complex, but it gives you more control over the iframe’s behavior and rendering. You can use a JavaScript library like jQuery to load the iframe content after the page has loaded, ensuring that it renders correctly.

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