The Purpose of the Public Method that Only Calls Private Pure Virtual Function
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The Purpose of the Public Method that Only Calls Private Pure Virtual Function

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When it comes to object-oriented programming, one of the most powerful tools in a developer’s arsenal is the abstract class. Abstract classes allow us to define a blueprint for other classes to follow, while also providing a way to implement common functionality that can be shared across multiple classes. But have you ever wondered what the purpose of a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function is? In this article, we’ll explore the answer to this question and provide a comprehensive guide on how to use this technique effectively.

What is a Pure Virtual Function?

A pure virtual function is a function that must be implemented by any derived class. It’s a way to ensure that any class that inherits from an abstract base class provides its own implementation of a particular method. In C++, a pure virtual function is declared using the “= 0” syntax at the end of the function declaration.

class AbstractBaseClass {
    virtual void doSomething() = 0;

In this example, the `doSomething()` function is a pure virtual function that must be implemented by any class that inherits from `AbstractBaseClass`.

What is a Private Pure Virtual Function?

A private pure virtual function is a pure virtual function that is declared in a private section of a class. This means that it can only be accessed within the class itself, and not by any derived classes. This may seem counterintuitive, as the whole point of a pure virtual function is to require derived classes to implement it. However, there are some scenarios where using a private pure virtual function makes sense.

class AbstractBaseClass {
    virtual void doSomethingPrivate() = 0;
    void doSomethingPublic();

In this example, the `doSomethingPrivate()` function is a private pure virtual function that can only be accessed within the `AbstractBaseClass` class itself.

What is the Purpose of a Public Method that Only Calls a Private Pure Virtual Function?

So, why would we want to declare a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function? The answer lies in the way we want to expose the functionality of our abstract class to the outside world. By providing a public method that calls the private pure virtual function, we can control how the functionality is accessed and ensure that it’s used correctly.

class AbstractBaseClass {
    virtual void doSomethingPrivate() = 0;
    void doSomethingPublic() {

In this example, the `doSomethingPublic()` method is a public method that can be accessed by any class that uses `AbstractBaseClass`. However, the actual implementation of the `doSomethingPrivate()` function is hidden from the outside world, and can only be accessed through the `doSomethingPublic()` method.

Benefits of Using a Public Method that Only Calls a Private Pure Virtual Function

There are several benefits to using a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function:

  • Encapsulation**: By hiding the implementation details of the pure virtual function, we can ensure that the functionality is used correctly and consistently across all derived classes.
  • Abstraction**: By providing a public method that accesses the private pure virtual function, we can decouple the interface of our abstract class from its implementation.
  • Code Reusability**: By using a public method that calls a private pure virtual function, we can reuse the same implementation across multiple derived classes.

Examples of Using a Public Method that Only Calls a Private Pure Virtual Function

Let’s take a look at some examples of how we can use a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function in real-world scenarios:

Example 1: Implementing a Factory Method

class AbstractFactory {
    virtual Product* createProductPrivate() = 0;
    Product* createProductPublic() {
        return createProductPrivate();

class ConcreteFactoryA : public AbstractFactory {
    Product* createProductPrivate() override {
        return new ProductA();

class ConcreteFactoryB : public AbstractFactory {
    Product* createProductPrivate() override {
        return new ProductB();

In this example, the `AbstractFactory` class provides a public method `createProductPublic()` that calls the private pure virtual function `createProductPrivate()`. The `ConcreteFactoryA` and `ConcreteFactoryB` classes implement their own versions of the `createProductPrivate()` function, which is called by the `createProductPublic()` method.

Example 2: Implementing a Template Method

class AbstractClass {
    virtual void step1Private() = 0;
    virtual void step2Private() = 0;
    void templateMethodPublic() {

class ConcreteClassA : public AbstractClass {
    void step1Private() override {
        // implementation of step 1 for class A
    void step2Private() override {
        // implementation of step 2 for class A

class ConcreteClassB : public AbstractClass {
    void step1Private() override {
        // implementation of step 1 for class B
    void step2Private() override {
        // implementation of step 2 for class B

In this example, the `AbstractClass` class provides a public method `templateMethodPublic()` that calls the private pure virtual functions `step1Private()` and `step2Private()`. The `ConcreteClassA` and `ConcreteClassB` classes implement their own versions of these functions, which are called by the `templateMethodPublic()` method.


In conclusion, a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function is a powerful tool in object-oriented programming. By using this technique, we can control how the functionality of our abstract class is accessed and ensure that it’s used correctly and consistently across all derived classes. Whether you’re implementing a factory method or a template method, this technique can help you write more maintainable and flexible code.

Remember, the key to using this technique effectively is to decouple the interface of your abstract class from its implementation. By providing a public method that accesses the private pure virtual function, you can ensure that the functionality is used correctly and consistently across all derived classes.

Scenario Benefits Example
Factory Method Encapsulation, Abstraction, Code Reusability Implementing a factory method using a public method that calls a private pure virtual function
Template Method Encapsulation, Abstraction, Code Reusability Implementing a template method using a public method that calls a private pure virtual function

We hope this article has provided a comprehensive guide on the purpose of a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function. By following the examples and guidelines provided in this article, you can write more maintainable and flexible code that takes advantage of the power of object-oriented programming.

  1. Declare a private pure virtual function in the abstract class.
  2. Implement the private pure virtual function in the derived classes.
  3. Provide a public method in the abstract class that calls the private pure virtual function.
  4. Use the public method to access the functionality of the abstract class.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your code is more maintainable, flexible, and scalable. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of public methods that secretly call private pure virtual functions!

What’s the point of having a public method that only calls a private pure virtual function?

This design pattern is often used in interfaces or abstract classes to provide a way for derived classes to implement the pure virtual function while keeping it private. This way, the interface remains consistent, and the implementation details are hidden from the outside world.

Why can’t I just make the pure virtual function public?

Making the pure virtual function public would expose the implementation details to the outside world, breaking encapsulation. By keeping it private, you ensure that the interface remains clean and focused on the intended functionality, while the implementation details are hidden.

How does this pattern benefit code organization and maintainability?

By separating the interface from the implementation, this pattern promotes a clear separation of concerns, making it easier to modify or extend the implementation without affecting the interface. This leads to more maintainable and flexible code.

Can I use this pattern in non-abstract classes?

While it’s possible to use this pattern in non-abstract classes, it’s less common. This pattern is typically used in abstract classes or interfaces to provide a way for derived classes to implement the pure virtual function. In non-abstract classes, it might be more suitable to use a different design pattern.

What are some real-world scenarios where this pattern is useful?

This pattern is useful in scenarios where you need to provide a common interface for different implementations, such as plugins, strategies, or adapters. It’s also used in frameworks and libraries to provide a way for users to extend or customize the behavior without exposing internal implementation details.

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